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Use of a modified Outerbridge-Kashiwagi procedure for the treatment of posttraumatic elbow sequelae

Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery Apr 18, 2019

Brewley EE, et al. - Researchers assessed 21 candidates to examine the 10-year experience treating posttraumatic sequelae of the elbow using a modified Outerbridge-Kashiwagi (O-K) procedure. They observed an improvement in the Mayo Elbow Performance Score from 52 to 84 and the mean arc of motion from 44° to 98° at a mean of 39 months. They found that 90% of subjects reported no pain or mild pain whereas 81% of cases had a satisfactory objective result at the final follow-up. They noticed the demand to mobilize the ulnar nerve in 71% of cases. In candidates with retained hardware and posttraumatic contracture, the mini-open O-K procedure was concluded safe and effective in restoring function. A need for removal of hardware and neurolysis of the ulnar nerve was noted in posttraumatic arthritic cases.
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