Urologic disorders are still the leading cause of in-hospital death in patients with spina bifida
Urology Dec 13, 2019
Peyronnet B, Gao F, Brochard C, et al. - In this cross-sectional observational study of the longitudinal national cohort of all individuals hospitalized in French public and private hospitals, experts evaluated and investigated the contemporary causes of in-hospital deaths of people with spina bifida. Over the 6-year study period, a total of 138 in-hospital deaths of spina bifida people were noted. In-hospital death, urologic disorders (n = 24) was the principal cause. Pulmonary disorders (n = 23), neurologic disorders (n = 19), and bowel disorders (n = 15) were other chief causes of death. Upper urinary tract damage estimated for most of the urologic causes of death ie, eight for UTI, seven for renal failure, four for bladder cancer, and five for other urologic causes. The absence of hydrocephalus was the only variable notably related to death from urologic causes. Thus, in spina bifida individuals of France, urologic disorders continue to be the foremost cause of in-hospital death. However, the present study reflects that endeavors to enhance the urologic management of the spina bifida population are still greatly required.
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