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Urinary peptide biomarker panel associated with an improvement in estimated glomerular filtration rate in chronic kidney disease patients

Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation May 05, 2018

Markoska K, et al. - Researchers investigated urinary peptide biomarkers related to an improvement in estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) over time and to improve patient stratification. Study participants were patients with different types of renal diseases, of those, non-progressors or stable were those with a slope/year between -1.5% and +1.5%, while patients with a > 5% slope/year were designated as patients with an improved eGFR for state-of-art biomarker discovery and validation. A support vector machine-based classification panel was generated using a set of 141 peptides with available amino acid sequence information. The biomarker panel was applied to the validation cohort, achieving a moderate area under the curve (AUC) value of 0.85 (81% sensitivity and 81% specificity). Overall, the developed panel of urinary peptide markers allowed to discriminate those patients predisposed to improve their kidney function over time and possibly be treated with more specific or less aggressive therapy.
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