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Urinary angiostatin: A novel biomarker of kidney disease associated with disease severity and progression

BMC Nephrology Apr 07, 2019

Xia YY, et al. - Researchers assessed the utility of urinary angiostatin levels for the evaluation of severity and progression of IgA nephropathy (IgAN). A significantly higher level of urinary angiostatin levels was reported in IgAN cases when compared to healthy controls (HC) subjects whereas it was lower as compared to disease controls (DC) patients. Findings revealed a positive association of concentrations of angiostatin in urine normalized to urinary creatinine (angiostatin/Cr), with proteinuria level. A gradual increase in urinary angiostatin/Cr levels was seen with advancing chronic kidney disease (CKD) stage. Following follow-up, patients with higher levels of urinary angiostatin had significantly worse renal survival. Based on the findings, they concluded that urinary angiostatin could have utility as a novel noninvasive biomarker to assess disease severity and progression of IgAN.
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