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Ureteric stent vs percutaneous nephrostomy for acute ureteral obstruction - clinical outcome and quality of life: A bi-center prospective study

BMC Urology Sep 05, 2019

Shoshany O, Erlich T, Golan S, et al. - Through a prospective bi-centered study, researchers contrasted quality of life (QoL) indices between ureteral stent (DJS) and nephrostomy tube (PCN) inserted in the setting of acute ureteral obstruction. No clinically important variation in patient’s recovery between the groups, including postprocedural pain, defeverence, returning to baseline renal function, and septic shock complications, were noted. More DJS patients presented to the emergency room with complaints associated with their procedure in comparison with PCN patients. At first, DJS patients complained more of urinary discomfort while PCN patients had worse symptoms associating with mobility and personal hygiene, with both groups attaining comparable overall QoL scores. At the second time point, PCN patients’ symptoms decreased while symptoms in the DJS group persisted to be comparable, translating to greater overall QoL score in the PCN group. Thus, the two techniques had a different and significantly distinctive influence on the quality of life. Over time, PCN patients’ symptoms relieved and their QoL enhanced, while DJS patients’ symptoms continued. Specific tube associated symptoms, and their dynamics over time, should be a significant determinant in selecting the relevant drainage method, mainly when definitive treatment is not imminent.
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