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Unstable ankle fracture fixation using locked fibular intramedullary nail in high-risk patients

The Journal of Foot & Ankle Surgery Jan 09, 2019

Dabash S, et al. - Authors analyzed 18 subjects (mean age 61 years) with comorbidities like diabetes, renal disease, hypertension, advanced age with osteoporosis, hemorrhagic blisters, and alcoholism between January 2015 and March 2016 to estimate the consequences of unstable ankle fracture fixation using locked fibular intramedullary nail in high-risk subjects. They studied wound complications, infections, and hardware failure or failure of fixation as the primary results for an average follow-up time of 291.1 (range 9 to 14 months) days. They observed that intramedullary nailing of the fibula with syndesmotic intranail fixation was minimally invasive, quick, and rendered satisfactory fixation strength with no breakage of syndesmotic screws, postoperatively. The candidates were found with no wound developments preferring it as a viable treatment option.
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