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Unplanned returns to the operating room within three months of pediatric cataract-related intraocular surgery: Indications and risk factors

Journal of AAPOS Aug 17, 2019

Jackson CM, et al. - Researchers conducted this retrospective review to assess, within 90 days of pediatric cataract surgery, the indications and related risk factors for unplanned return to the operating room. They reviewed medical records patients undergoing either cataract extraction or secondary intraocular lens implantation at a single center from 1991 to 2018. The study sample consisted of 1,392 eyes of 989 patients. A history of traumatic cataract or age < 1 year at the time of first surgery were included risk factors for an unplanned reoperation. The reoperation rate was 1.1% in the absence of these risk factors. According to findings, unplanned reoperations after pediatric cataract surgery are uncommon, but when they occur, it is often done before the age of 1 year in the setting of trauma or surgery.
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