Umbilical arterial Doppler ultrasonography predicts late pregnancy outcomes in patients with lupus nephritis: A multicenter study from southern China
Lupus Oct 13, 2019
Chen D, Yuan S, Lao M, et al. - A retrospective cohort study that recruited 203 individuals with lupus nephritis (LN) from 2007 to 2017 was done in order to examine the fetal adverse pregnancy outcomes (APOs) and the predictive value of umbilical arterial Doppler ultrasonography in the third trimester in pregnant women with LP. In 103 patients, the occurrence of fetal APOs was seen. Sixty-six pregnancies had preterm births. In females with intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR), fetal distress, and composite conditions, all the Doppler parameters increased. Resistance index (RI) designated the greatest risk of IUGR and composite APOs. The best predictor for IUGR was also peak velocity of the umbilical arteries at end-systole (Vmax, abbreviated as S) to that at end-diastole (Vmin, abbreviated as D) (S/D) ratio. Sensitivity and specificity were similar to RI. Hence, in individuals with LN, fetal complications were prevalent. Moreover, to prognosticate late IUGR, fetal distress, and the composite APOs, umbilical arterial Doppler ultrasonography was a beneficial measure.
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