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Type 2 diabetes is causally associated with reduced serum osteocalcin: A genomewide association and Mendelian randomization study

Journal of Bone and Mineral Research Jun 09, 2021

Hailuan Zeng, Jieyu Ge, Wenjie Xu, et al. - Researchers sought to evaluate the correlation of three bone-related biomarkers—25 hydroxyvitamin D (25OHD), parathyroid hormone (PTH), and osteocalcin (OCN)—with several metabolic phenotypes and investigate any causal relevance to the associations utilizing Mendelian randomization (MR) study. At baseline, serum 25OHD, PTH, and total OCN were measured in 5,169 eligible Chinese candidates in the Changfeng study. MR analysis indicated a causal impact of type 2 diabetes (T2DM) on lower circulating OCN concentration. Such findings suggest that T2DM may have an impact on bone remodeling and provide a resource for understanding complex links between osteocalcin and metabolic (and related) traits in humans.

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