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Two-year comparative outcomes of first- and second-generation trabecular micro-bypass stents with cataract surgery

Clinical Ophthalmology May 09, 2021

Paletta Guedes RA, Gravina DM, Paletta Guedes VM, et al. - In this retrospective comparative study, researchers sought to evaluate the real-world effectiveness and safety of first-generation (iStent) and second-generation (iStent inject) trabecular micro-bypass stents with cataract surgery in patients with open-angle glaucoma (OAG). In total, 82 consecutive eyes (39 iStent, 43 iStent inject) with a 24-month follow-up were analyzed. Significant IOP and medication reductions were achieved with iStent or iStent inject with phacoemulsification, with effects lasting for two years. IOP reductions were greater with the iStent inject than with the iStent. Higher preoperative IOP was associated with greater postoperative IOP reduction within each group.

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