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Two subgroups in systemic lupus erythematosus with features of antiphospholipid or Sjogren’s syndrome differ in molecular signatures and treatment perspectives

Arthritis Research & Therapy Feb 22, 2019

Idborg H, et al. - In a cross-sectional study, 378 individuals were examined to analyze the difference in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) subgroups related to underlying pathophysiology and characteristic biomarkers. They chose a core of an antiphospholipid syndrome-like SLE [aPL+ group; positive in the lupus anticoagulant (LA) test and negative for all 3 of SSA (Ro52 and Ro60) and SSB antibodies] and a Sjogren's syndrome-like SLE [SSA/SSB+ group; positive for all 3 of SSA (Ro52 and Ro60) and SSB antibodies but negative in the lupus anticoagulant (LA) test]. They observed that the SSA/SSB+ subgroup might avail from IFN-blocking therapies whereas the aPL+ subgroup was more expected to have influence from medicines targeting the complement system.
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