Twenty-four-hour systolic blood pressure variability and renal function decline in elderly male hypertensive patients with well-controlled blood pressure
Clinical Interventions in Aging Apr 11, 2018
Wang X, et al. - Researchers sought to determine the link between blood pressure variability (BPV) and glomerular filtration rate in hypertensive elderly (age >60 years) and very elderly (age >80 years) male patients with BP controlled within the normal range by antihypertensive therapy. BPV was defined as the SD from mean BP over a 24 h period. Based on estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) data, participants were divided into 3 groups and the correlation between eGFR and BPV was analyzed using multivariate linear regression. In this patient population, 24 h systolic BP (SBP) variability was identified as the only independent risk factor for a decline in renal function, among the parameters of 24 h ambulatory BP monitoring.
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