Twelve-week dosing with Aflibercept in the treatment of neovascular age-related macular degeneration
Clinical Ophthalmology Jul 26, 2019
Garweg JG - In this investigation, the researcher assessed published evidence for a treatment interval extension to ≥12-weeks in neovascular macular degeneration treated with intravitreal Aflibercept. The data presented in this work showed a consequent intraretinal fluid treatment with null tolerance is a prerequisite for inducing stability and maintaining visual gain after the loading phase. Using Aflibercept in a treat-and-extend protocol, disease stability [defined as the absence of any intraocular and absence or stability of subretinal fluid and pigment-epithelial detachment] and interval extension to ≥12 weeks were reported with fewer injections in 43% of the eyes by end of the second year, but similar results as in fixed dosage. For an individualized proactive treatment regimen, a lower treatment burden strongly argues.
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