Twelve-month teriparatide treatment reduces new vertebral compression fractures incidence and back pain and improves quality of life after percutaneous kyphoplasty in osteoporotic women
Clinical Interventions in Aging Oct 05, 2019
Kong M, Zhou C, Zhu K, et al. - Whether treatment with teriparatide (TPTD) affords an effective means to attenuate the incidence of new vertebral compression fractures (NVCFs) and back pain and improve quality of life following percutaneous kyphoplasty (PKP), was investigated in this study. Researchers analyzed retrospectively gathered 2-year clinical follow-up data from primary osteoporotic women who had suffered initial osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures (OVCFs) and were treated with PKP plus 12-month TPTD (n = 113) or basic treatment of calcium and vitamin D supplements (n = 208). They found that PKP procedure with a subsequent TPTD treatment was effective at reducing the incidence of NVCFs along with maintaining a high quality of life and back pain alleviation in patients with OVCFs who are seen in routine clinical practice, and hence it may be a preferable subsequent therapy after PKP procedure in these patients.
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