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Trochanteric femoral nonunion in patients aged over 60 years treated with dynamic condylar screw

Injury Oct 19, 2019

Lotzien S, et al. - Researchers conducted a retrospective chart review of 21 patients with aseptic femoral trochanteric nonunions aged over 60 years in order to assess their outcomes regarding healing rate, implant-related complications, and secondary surgeries. Treatment of nonunion comprised implant removal, debridement of the nonunion, and restoration of the neck shaft angle, followed by DCS plating. Successful healing was reported in 17 of the 21 nonunions during a mean follow-up of 21.62 months. The mean healing time of 6.59 months was recorded. Secondary revision surgery was required in six of the 21 patients. At the final follow-up, 17 of the 21 hips exhibited a full range of motion of the hip. Outcomes thereby indicate that patients aged over 60 years with a well-preserved femoral head and acetabulum may exhibit successful outcomes with DCS treatment and preservation of the patient's femoral head. However, there appeared an association of preservation of the hip joint and revision plating with higher revision rates.
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