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Triglyceride-glucose index is associated with symptomatic coronary artery disease in patients in secondary care

Cardiovascular Diabetology Jul 17, 2019

da Silva A, et al. - In patients with cardiovascular diseases (CVD), researchers examined the connection of triglyceride-glucose index (TyG index) with CAD and also with cardiometabolic risk factors. The study sample consisted of 2,330 patients (aged 45 years or older) who had at least one CVD in the last 10 years. The TyG index was calculated using the formula: Ln (fasting triglycerides (mg/dl) × fasting blood glucose (mg/dl)/2) and regression models were used to assess the connections. In patients classified in the last tertile of the TyG index, the prevalence of symptomatic CAD was 1.16 times higher than in those in the first tertile. Findings suggested a positive association of the TyG index with a higher prevalence of symptomatic CAD, with metabolic and behavioral risk factors, and could be used as a marker for atherosclerosis.

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