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Trends in prices, market share, and spending on self-administered disease-modifying therapies for multiple sclerosis in Medicare part D

JAMA Nov 20, 2019

San-Juan-Rodriguez A, et al. - Researchers investigated trends in prices, market share, and spending on self-administered disease-modifying therapies (DMTs) for multiple sclerosis (MS) in Medicare Part D from 2006 through 2016. In this cohort study, claims data from 2006 through 2016 from a 5% random sample of Medicare beneficiaries (a mean of 2.8 million Medicare beneficiaries per year) were assessed for all prescription claims for self-administered DMTs for MS (glatiramer acetate, interferon beta-1a, interferon beta-1b, fingolimod hydrochloride, teriflunomide, dimethyl fumarate, and peginterferon beta-1a). The largest market share across the study period was owned by the brand-name glatiramers, ranging between $25 552 of $79 411 per 1,000 Medicare beneficiaries (32.2%) and $10,342 of $21,365 per 1,000 Medicare beneficiaries (48.4%). The analysis revealed a 4-time increase in the annual cost of treatment with self-administered disease-modifying therapies for multiple sclerosis, from a mean of $18,660 to $75,847, increasing at a mean annual rate of 12.8%. A 10.2-fold increase in pharmaceutical spending per 1,000 beneficiaries was observed; it increased from $7,794 to $79,411, while out-of-pocket spending per 1,000 beneficiaries increased by a factor of 7.2, from $372 to $2673.
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