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Trends in peritoneal dialysis use in the United States after Medicare payment reform

Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology Dec 05, 2019

Sloan CE, Coffman CJ, Sanders LL, et al. - Since peritoneal dialysis (PD) for ESKD was correlated with similar mortality, higher quality of life, and lower costs vs hemodialysis (HD), but has historically been underused, researchers evaluated the impact of the 2011 Medicare prospective payment system (PPS) for dialysis on PD initiation, modality switches, and stable PD use. Overall, 619,126 individuals with incident ESKD received dialysis at Medicare-certified facilities, 2006–2013. Early PD experience observed increased from 9.4% before PPS to 12.6% after PPS. Observed late use of PD increased from 12.1% to 16.1%. After dialysis payment reform, more patients started, stayed on, and switched to PD. It took place without a significant increase in transfers to HD.
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