Trends in incidence and tumour grade in screen-detected ductal carcinoma in situ and invasive breast cancer
Breast Cancer Research and Treatment Oct 20, 2017
Luiten JD, et al. - The trends in incidence of screen-detected DCIS and invasive breast cancers in the era of screen-film mammography (SFM) screening, the period of the transition to full-field digital mammography (FFDM) screening and the period of FFDM screening were analyzed in a biennial screening mammography programme. In addition, a possible association between the incidence and grading of screen-detected DCIS and invasive breast cancer was investigated. Mostly high-grade DCIS and low- or intermediate-grade invasive cancers were identified with screening mammography. In the years after the introduction of FFDM, the grade distribution, as well as, the CDR remained stable compared to the era of SFM screening. By diagnosing and treating high-grade DCIS, which otherwise may develop into high-grade invasive carcinoma, researchers further supported the beneficial value of screening mammography programmes.
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