Trends and geographic variations of self‐reported diabetes incidence: A prospective open cohort study of Chinese men and women, 1997‐2015
Diabetic Medicine Nov 05, 2020
Yu X, et al. - In this study, the trends and geographic variations of incident diabetes, as well as the corresponding gender differences in China were investigated. Researchers conducted an open cohort study deriving data of 16,610 individuals from the China Health and Nutrition Survey 1997 ‐ 2015. They utilized direct standardization to estimate age‐standardized diabetes incidence. They conducted mixed-effects logistic regression models with interaction terms to investigate changes in incident diabetes. The data revealed that the incidence of self‐reported diabetes approximately doubled during the study period. It was reported that the increase among men was steeper than that among women. The findings suggested that public interventions decreasing the population’s obesity level hold promise to alleviate geographic variations and flatten the growth curve.
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