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Trends and disparities in inpatient costs for eye trauma in the United States (2001-2014)

American Journal of Ophthalmology Dec 06, 2019

Iftikhar M, et al. - By performing this retrospective population-based cross-sectional analysis, researchers analyzed the trends as well as differences in inpatient expenses for eye trauma in the United States from 2001 through 2014. They assessed costs of eye trauma hospitalizations by utilizing the National Inpatient Sample, a representative sample of US hospital discharges. They found that from 2001 through 2014, the inpatient expenses for eye trauma were $1.72 billion. They also noted that the mean cost per stay continued to be relatively constant: $12,000 in 2001 to $11,000 in 2014. For African Americans vs whites, patients in the highest income quartile vs those in the lowest, uninsured patients vs publicly insured patients, teaching hospitals vs non-teaching ones, and the West vs the South, they reported more probability of a cost in the highest quartile. Findings revealed the steady nature of the inpatient costs of eye trauma and these can be potentially decreased by addressing related disparities.
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