Treatment response to intravitreal bevacizumab in small pigmented choroidal lesions with subretinal fluid
BMC Ophthalmology May 09, 2019
Lee J, et al. - Via retrospectively reviewing the records of all patients who were diagnosed with small pigmented choroidal lesions, researchers characterized the impacts of intravitreal bevacizumab injection (IVB) and/or transpupillary thermotherapy (TTT) in the treatment of small pigmented choroidal lesions with subfoveal fluid (SFF), as well as examined prognostic value of the therapeutic response in future tumor growth. This investigation included a total of 19 eyes of 19 patients. In terms of resolving symptomatic SFF and improving best corrected visual acuity associated with small pigmented choroidal lesions without choroidal neovascularization, IVB was not very effective and could not effectively inhibit tumor growth. Treatment response to IVB can indicate choroidal melanoma or choroidal melanoma progression in the future. Bevacizumab should, therefore, be used in pigmented choroidal lesions with caution.
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