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Treatment outcomes of tuberculous meningitis in adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis

BMC Pulmonary Medicine Nov 15, 2019

Wang MG, et al. - In order to define treatment outcomes for adult patients with tuberculous meningitis, researchers performed a systematic review and meta-analysis 22 relevant studies involving 2437 patients. Treatment results at the completion of treatment and follow-up were estimated by pooling appropriate data. The risk of death in a pooled analysis was estimated to be 24.7%. Among survivors, the risk of neurological sequelae was estimated to be 50.9%. Patients with tuberculous meningitis most often had headache, fever, vomiting, and abnormal chest radiograph. Findings revealed very poor outcomes in adult tuberculous meningitis despite anti-tuberculosis treatment. During treatment, a significant rise in the mortality rate was observed in patients who received diagnoses in stage III or HIV co-infection.

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