Treatment of severe periodontitis with a laser and light-emitting diode (LED) procedure adjunctive to scaling and root planing: A double-blind, randomized, single-center, split-mouth clinical trial investigating its efficacy and patient-reported outcomes at 1 year
Lasers in Medical Science Jan 24, 2018
Giannelli M, et al. - The authors conducted a trial for the purpose of determining the efficacy and safety of a photoablative-photodynamic diode laser therapy, including antiseptic light-emitting diode (LED) irradiation in adjunct to scaling and root planning (iPAPD+SRP) vs sham-treatment+SRP for the treatment of diffuse severe periodontitis. Additionally, they investigated the patient-reported outcomes. As per the results, the patients’ perceived pain/discomfort and overall liking were in favor of the iPAPD+SRP treatment. Hence, the efficacy of combined phototherapy in adjunct to SRP was affirmed, which in turn, extended its field of application to severe periodontitis.
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