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Treatment of keratoconus with wavelight contoura and corneal cross-linking combined

Clinical Ophthalmology Jun 18, 2021

Motwani M, et al. - In this investigation involving 21 patients (36 eyes), researchers sought to examine the outcomes of the treatment of keratoconus/corneal ectasia utilizing topographic-guided ablation (WaveLight Contoura) followed by corneal cross-linking. They looked at patients who had keratoconus/corneal ectasia treated with Contoura and corneal cross-linking and had at least 6 months of follow-up results. Treatment with WaveLight Contoura in conjunction with 15-minute corneal cross-linking is an effective and safe treatment for keratoconus and should be considered as a primary treatment to avoid corneal transplantation while also improving vision and corneal irregularity.

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