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Treatment of extensor tendon disruption after total knee arthroplasty: A systematic review

Journal of Arthroplasty Mar 06, 2019

Vajapey S, et al. - Data were studied to assess the result of treatment of extensor tendon disorder after total knee arthroplasty. Researchers observed the type of intervention performed, type of injury studied, outcome measures, and complications. They recorded a higher complication rate after repair of the patellar tendon (63.16%) vs complication rate after repair of quadriceps tendon (25.37%). They also found a similar complication rate for patellar and quadriceps tendon tears after autograft, allograft, or mesh reconstruction (18.8 % vs 19.2 % respectively). They recorded an extension lag of 30 degrees or greater (45.33%) as the frequent complication after extensor mechanism repair or reconstruction followed by re-rupture and infection (25.33% and 22.67%, respectively). They noted a higher overall complication rate in early ruptures vs late injuries.
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