Treatment and outcomes of distal tibia Salter-Harris II fractures
Injury Feb 04, 2020
Thomas RA, et al. - As in the pediatric population, distal Salter-Harris (SH) II fractures of the tibia are common injuries, researchers here evaluated their treatment and outcomes of SH II fractures of the distal tibia. From 2003 to 2017, treatment was provided to 51 patients with distal tibia SH type II fractures [28 females and 23 males; mean age: 9.4 years (range, 13 months-13 years)]; Treatment with a cast was provided to patients with displacement less than 3mm on x-ray. Management comprised closed reduction with conscious sedation followed by a cast for those with a displacement greater than or equal to 3mm. If closed reduction fails, open reduction is indicated. The risk of growth arrest was small in displaced fractures.
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