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Transarticular external fixation vs deltoid ligament repair in treating SER IV ankle fractures: A comparative study

BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders Oct 28, 2019

Li B, Wang S, Zhang Z, et al. - In treating supination-external rotation type IV (SER IV) ankle fractures, researchers compared the clinical impact of open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) with deltoid ligament repair (DLR) or transarticular external fixation (TEF). Between January 2012 and December 2015, 43 individuals were diagnosed as SER IV ankle fractures, 20 had ORIF and transarticular external fixation (TEF) without DLR (group 1), 23 were treated with ORIF and DLR (group 2). During the follow-up, no cases of bone nonunion or posttraumatic arthritic changes were seen. Findings suggested that ORIF with TIF is an alternative method for treating SER IV ankle fractures as it achieves comparable functional outcomes with DLR to ORIF. It also enables patients to start weight-bearing relatively earlier and can promote fracture union.
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