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Trabecular metal augments for severe acetabular defects in revision hip arthroplasty: A long-term follow-up

Journal of Arthroplasty Jan 20, 2021

Russell SP, O'Neill CJ, Fahey EJ, et al. - The present study was conducted to report comprehensive long-term outcomes of our experience with Trabecular Metal (TM) augments for these difficult cases. Researchers included a total of 38 individuals who had undergone revision total hip arthroplasty at the institution between 2009 and 2014 where a TM augment was applied for acetabular deficiency. They recorded prospective radiographic and Patient-Reported Outcome Measures and analyzed to a mean of 7.3 years (range: 5.4 to 10.8). They details their experience of TM augments for the most severe acetabular defects in this long-term study. No excellent surgical solution exists for such cases; they suggest that this technique is reasonably safe and effective in comparison with alternative methods.

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