Total joint arthroplasty in immunocompromised patients: A matched pair analysis for comorbidities
Current Orthopaedic Practice Apr 26, 2019
Meftah M, et al. - Authors assessed 109 immunocompromised (IC) cases to delineate the outcome of total joint arthroplasty (TJA) in IC cases. They found statistically insignificant overall complication rate in the IC group vs nonimmunocompromised groups (20% vs 14.6%). They did not observe any difference between the two groups in the incidence of deep (5.5% vs 2.7%) or superficial infections (2.1% vs 0.9%), or re-admissions (11% vs 12.8%). Although, they noticed a significant difference for reoperation (16 vs 6) between the 2 groups.
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