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Tobacco use predicts poorer clinical outcomes and higher post-operative complication rates after open elbow arthrolysis

Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery Jan 09, 2019

Sun Z, et al. - Researchers evaluated 145 subjects to analyze the possible influence of tobacco use on open arthrolysis for post-traumatic elbow stiffness. They estimated general patient data, functional performance, and complications. They observed marked variations in terms of the range of motion, Mayo Elbow Performance Score, visual analog scale score for pain, Dellon classification for ulnar nerve symptoms, and total complication rates, postoperatively. They observed that candidates consuming tobacco at that time were recorded with increased danger of poorer clinical consequences and higher postoperative complication rates after open arthrolysis. They noted similar results in former users to those of nonusers suggesting the value of discontinuing tobacco use for individuals with post-traumatic elbow stiffness who were considering open arthrolysis.
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