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To improve pain and function, platelet-rich plasma injections may be an alternative to surgery for treating lateral epicondylitis: A systematic review

Arthroscopy May 06, 2021

Hardy R, Tori A, Fuchs H, et al. - This study sought to ascertain whether platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injection for lateral epicondylitis offers patients comparable outcomes to lateral epicondylar surgery. Researchers carried out searches of Embase, Cochrane Library, and Medline databases using the terms lateral epicondylitis, lateral elbow pain, tennis elbow, lateral epicondylalgia, and elbow tendinopathy individually and combined with the terms platelet-rich plasma injections and lateral epicondylar surgery. They correlated pain relief, function between the two treatment options, and distinguished whether PRP injection decreased the incidence of lateral epicondylar surgery. In this analysis, three studies (one level II and two-level II) were included. The results showed that PRP injections offer similar improvements in pain and function for patients suffering from lateral epicondylitis, especially in the short and mid-term in two of the three included investigations compared with lateral epicondylar surgery. Thus, for the treatment of lateral epicondylitis, PRP injections are an appropriate alternative.

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