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Timing of venous thromboprophylaxis in isolated severe pelvic fracture: Effect on mortality and outcomes

Injury Feb 22, 2019

Benjamin E, et al. - Researchers determined the optimal timing of pharmacological thromboprophylaxis (VTEp) in patients with isolated severe pelvic fractures. This study included 2,752 patients with blunt severe pelvic fractures (AIS > 3) from the Trauma Quality Improvement Program. These patients have received VTEp with unfractionated heparin (UH) or low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH). This investigation did not include patients with head, chest, spine, and abdominal injuries AIS > 3, or those with angio or operative intervention prior to VTEp. Based on the timing of VTEp, early (<48 hrs) and late (>48 hrs), patients were stratified. Early VTEp was employed in 2,007 cases and late VTEp in 745 (27.1%). Overall, 2,349 (85.4%) and 403 (14.6%) received LMWH and UH, respectively. Findings revealed an independent link between early VTEp and improved survival and fewer VTE in isolated severe pelvic fractures. For this purpose, LMWH rather than UH could be preferred.
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