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Ticagrelor vs prasugrel in patients with acute coronary syndrome undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention - analysis from the Acute Coronary Syndrome Israeli Survey (ACSIS)

Cardiology Nov 26, 2021

Eliaz R, Mengesha B, Ovdat T, et al. - Treatment with prasugrel, vs ticagrelor, results in superior clinical outcomes in ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) patients, but not in non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndrome (NSTE-ACS) patients.

  • This study included ACS (acute coronary syndrome) patients undergoing in-hospital percutaneous coronary intervention, enrolled in the ACSIS (Acute Coronary Syndrome Israeli Survey), and treated with prasugrel (n=1126) or ticagrelor (n=817).

  • No significant difference in in-hospital complication rates was found between groups.

  • In propensity score matched STEMI patients, higher 30-day re-hospitalization rate, 30-day MACE (the composite of death, MI, stroke and urgent revascularization), and 1-year mortality rates were noted in the ticagrelor group vs the prasugrel group.

  • In NSTE-ACS patients, there was no link between drug choice and outcomes.

  • Cox regression analysis applied on the entire cohort revealed lower 1-year mortality with prasugrel in STEMI patients but not in NSTE-ACS patients (p for interaction 0.03).

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