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Tibial nailing using a suprapatellar rather than an infrapatellar approach significantly reduces anterior knee pain postoperatively: A multicentre clinical trial

The Bone & Joint Journal Sep 11, 2019

MacDonald DRW, Caba-Doussoux P, Carnegie CA, et al. - A total of 95 patients with a tibial fracture needing an intramedullary nail were randomly allocated to treatment using a supra- (n = 53) or infrapatellar approach (n = 42) in order to contrast the incidence of anterior knee pain following antegrade tibial nailing using suprapatellar and infrapatellar surgical approaches. Aberdeen Weightbearing Test – Knee results exhibited a greater mean proportion of weight transmitted through the injured leg in comparison with the uninjured leg when kneeling in the suprapatellar group compared with the infrapatellar group at all timepoints at all follow-up visits. This reached importance at four months for all timepoints except 30 seconds. At six months at 0 seconds, and for one year at 60 seconds, it also reached importance. Therefore, the suprapatellar surgical approach for antegrade tibial nailing was concluded to be correlated with less anterior knee pain postoperatively in comparison with the infrapatellar approach.
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