Three week vs six week immobilisation for stable Weber B type ankle fractures: Randomised, multicentre, non-inferiority clinical trial
BMJ Jan 29, 2019
Kortekangas T, et al. - Researchers conducted a pragmatic, multicentre, randomised, non-inferiority trial to determine whether treatment of isolated stable Weber B type ankle fractures with a cast or a simple orthotic device for three weeks produces non-inferior outcomes vs conventional immobilisation in a cast for six weeks. Study participants included 247 skeletally mature patients (aged 16 years or older) with an isolated Weber B type fibula fracture and congruent ankle mortise in static ankle radiographs. In the treatment of an isolated stable Weber B type fracture, immobilisation for three weeks with a cast or orthosis was non-inferior to conventional cast immobilisation for six weeks. Overall, they concluded that the duration of immobilisation for stable Weber B type fibula fracture can safely be shortened from six to three weeks
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