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Three-dimensional analysis of preoperative and postoperative rib cage parameters by simultaneous biplanar radiographic scanning technique in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: minimum 2-year follow-up

Spine Jan 06, 2021

Machino M, Kawakami N, Ohara T, et al. - A prospective study was performed to evaluate the variations in rib cage deformity in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) by comparing the preoperative and postoperative three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction images using simultaneous biplanar radiographic scanning technique (EOS) (EOS Imaging, Paris, France). Researchers included a sum of 67 Lenke type 1 or 2 AIS individuals who had undergone surgery (59 females and 8 males) were enrolled in this study. It was shown that in patients with AIS, 3D reconstruction of the rib cage using biplanar standing stereo radiography is beneficial to assess preoperative and postoperative rib cage deformity.

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