Thiazide diuretics and risk of knee replacement surgery among patients with knee osteoarthritis: A general population-based cohort study
Osteoarthritis and Cartilage Jun 13, 2019
Wei J, et al. - Via a general population-based cohort study in 3,488 patients aged ≥ 50 years with a diagnosis of knee osteoarthritis, the contributors targeted to compare the risk of a clinically relevant endpoint, knee replacement surgery, among initiators of thiazide (a diuretic associated with higher bone mineral density (BMD) and possibly lower serum magnesium levels) and loop diuretics. Three hundred and fifty nine and 283 knee replacements respectively among thiazide and loop diuretic initiators was noticed occurring during the follow-up period. Although, use of thiazide diuretic had an association with a higher risk of knee replacement in comparison to use of loop diuretic, potentially because of thiazide diuretics’ effect on BMD and serum magnesium.
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