Therapeutic efficacy of chlorhexidine-based mouthwashes and its adverse events: Performance-related evaluation of mouthwashes added with Anti-Discoloration System and cetylpyridinium chloride
International Journal of Dental Hygiene Feb 15, 2019
Guerra F, et al. - Investigators examined 66 subjects to study comparatively, the impacts of 3 mouthwashes ie, 0.20% chlorhexidine (CHX) with Anti-Discoloration System (ADS), 0.20% CHX and 0.12% CHX with 0.05% cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC), in terms of reduction of plaque and gingival bleeding and side effects. They categorized mild gingivitis candidates into 3 groups viz, those who underwent professional oral hygiene and received instructions: oral rinse with 10 mL for 1', twice a day, 30' after tooth brushing, for 14 days. They observed that better tolerance of 0.12% CHX + CPC mouthwash in bleeding perception, burning sensation, and mouthwash taste. They also found a decline in CHX efficiency in terms of reducing plaque and bleeding when ADS was added.
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