The Walch type B humerus: glenoid retroversion is associated with torsional differences in the humerus
Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery May 02, 2019
Raniga S, et al. - Researchers performed this imaging-based anthropometric study in order to examine humeral torsion in Walch type B shoulders. From computed tomography data for the Walch type B group (n = 59) and for a control group of normal nonarthritic shoulders (n = 59), they generated three-dimensional models of the full-length humerus. Observations revealed significantly less retrotorsion in the Walch type B humerus than non-osteoarthritic shoulders. The altered humeral retrotorsion is a cause or effect of the type B glenoid remained unknown. Within the control group, statistically significant differences in humeral torsion were noted between male and female individuals, which were not found in the type B group. Furthermore, it remained unclear if surgeons should be reconstructing type B2 humeral component version to pathologic torsion or to nonpathologic population means to optimize arthroplasty survivorship.
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