The validity of all-cause 30-day readmission rate as a hospital performance metric after primary total hip and knee arthroplasty: A systematic review
Journal of Arthroplasty Apr 18, 2019
Ali AM, et al. - Researchers studied 8 articles to evaluate the validity of Risk-adjusted All-Cause 30-Day Readmission Rate (ACRR) as a hospital performance metric following primary total hip arthroplasty (THA) and total knee arthroplasty (TKA) in this systematic review. They noted a poor correlation of ACRR with established composite metrics of both outcome and process measures. A weak positive association between ACRR and mortality was also noted. They recorded insufficient evidence in the literature to support the employment of ACRR after elective THA and TKA for financially penalizing hospitals. The application of a composite metric or surgical readmission rate seemed to improve the capability to detect the between-hospital variation.
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