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The utility of post-operative hip radiographs in patients treated with hip hemiarthroplasty for femoral neck fractures

Injury Jul 18, 2019

Lechtig A, et al. - Given the routine performing of hip radiographs in patients treated with hip hemiarthroplasty for low energy femoral neck fractures at each postoperative clinic visit regardless of history and physical (H/P) findings, researchers sought for the effectiveness of this accepted practice. They performed a retrospective chart review on 583 consecutive patients who were treated with hip hemiarthroplasty for low energy femoral neck fractures. As per findings, in the presence of a normal H/P, no change in treatment course was made in correlation to abnormal radiographs. Further, a rare change was observed in the treatment course in relation to hip radiographs obtained in clinic within 6 months of surgery. Hence, these are a source of excess cost and radiation exposure to the patient.
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