The use of platelet-rich fibrin to enhance the outcomes of implant therapy: A systematic review
Clinical Oral Implants Research Oct 16, 2018
Strauss FJ, et al. - Authors evaluated the effect of platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) on implant dentistry, with primarily focus on the clinical, histological, and radiographic outcomes of PRF administration for bone regeneration and implant therapy. They conducted a systematic literature search comprised three databases: MEDLINE, EMBASE, and Cochrane followed by a hand search of relevant scientific journals for studies that centered on alveolar ridge preservation after tooth extraction, osseointegration process, soft tissue management, bone augmentation, bone regeneration after sinus floor elevation and surgical peri-implantitis treatment. The clinical benefit of PRF on ridge preservation and in the early phase of osseointegration is supported by moderate evidence. Whether PRF can reduce pain and improve soft tissue healing is not clear.
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