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The use of cementless components does not significantly increase procedural costs in total knee arthroplasty

Journal of Arthroplasty Sep 09, 2019

Yayac M, et al. - In this investigation, researchers analyzed the total facility cost of cementless vs traditional cemented total knee arthroplasty (TKA) along with the impact of cementless fixation on short-term results. Between 2015 and 2017, a consecutive series of patients who had either cementless or cemented primary TKA were reviewed. Using a time-driven activity-based costing algorithm, itemized facility costs were calculated for every procedure. In this study, 119 of the 2,426 primary TKA patients were treated with cementless implants. Compared with cemented TKA, cementless TKA patients had greater cost of implants ($3047.80 vs $2808.73), but lower supply costs ($639.49 vs $815.57), and lower OR personnel costs ($982.01 vs $1238.26). When compared with traditional cemented TKA components at the institution, the use of cementless TKA implants did not significantly increase total procedural costs. Findings indicate that a cementless implant's increased cost is recovered through savings in cement and supply costs, as well as shorter operative times. The authors promote researchers at other organizations to use the methodology of the authors to assess (preferably in a prospective way) whether the results from this research can be substantiated.
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