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The use of a tetracycline drain reduces alveolar osteitis: A randomized prospective trial of third molar surgery under local anaesthetics and without the use of systemic antibiotics

Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology Dec 19, 2018

Oyri H, et al. - Authors gauged the impact of an oxytetracycline impregnated gauze drain on the incidence of alveolar osteitis (AO) and postoperative pain during the first week after mandibular third molar surgery. In the control group, the incidence of AO was 23% and it was 5% in the drain group. Findings suggested drastic reduction in the incidence of AO after third molar surgery by the oxytetracycline drain. Seemingly, they noted efficiency of described treatment strategy, without the use of systemic antibiotics in lowering overall postoperative morbidity and downtime after third molar surgery.
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