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The United States’ experience in nuchal translucency: Variation by provider characteristics in over 5 million ultrasound measurements

Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology Mar 03, 2021

Thornburg LL, Bromley B, Dugoff L, et al. - This study was sought to examine the impact of provider characteristics on the median nuchal translucency measurement (NT median MoM) since the program's inception. Between 01/2005 and 12/2019, distributions were derived for all NT measurements performed for each of the three primary performance indicators of NT (median MoM, SD of log10 MoM, and slope of NT on CRL). For comparisons, tests and ANOVA used between groups and multiple regression to control for potential confounders. According to the findings, the majority (75%) had an NT median MoM within the acceptable range of 0.9‐1.1 and 85% had NT median MoM not statistically significantly outside this range out of 5,216,660 NT measurements from 7,422 providers at 3,319 sites. The findings revealed that the annual volume, duration of participation in Nuchal Translucency Quality Review, prior credentialing, and size of practice are all correlated with outcome metrics demonstrating quality performance. It is very difficult that providers participate in the ongoing quality assessment to maintain consistency and precision within the NT assessment. According to the findings, ongoing assessment programs with continuous feedback and education are important to maintain quality care.

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