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The time of onset of intradialytic hypotension during a hemodialysis session associates with clinical parameters and mortality

Kidney International Feb 19, 2021

Keane DF, Raimann JG, Zhang H, et al. - Researchers investigated the incidence of intradialytic hypotension (IDH) throughout hemodialysis as well as examined the links of time of hypotension with clinical parameters and survival. They studied data from 21 dialysis clinics in the US to include 785,682 treatments from 4,348 patients. The occurrence of IDH in 12% of sessions, at a median time interval of 120-149 minutes, was reported. Throughout hemodialysis, the presence of links between central venous but not arterial oxygen saturation and IDH was evident. Worse survival was experienced by patients prone to IDH early vs late in a session. In sensitivity analyses, IDH definition impacted time of onset but other analyses were comparable. Overall, findings reveal IDH incidence during the early part of hemodialysis which, relative to later episodes, was related to clinical parameters as well as mortality.

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