The therapeutic benefits of saline solution injection for lateral epicondylitis: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials comparing saline injections with nonsurgical injection therapies
Arthroscopy May 14, 2019
Gao B, et al. - Researchers performed this systematic search for randomized controlled trials of lateral epicondylitis interventions comparing saline solution injections with nonsurgical injection therapies in order to determine the effect of saline solution injections on patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs). Further, they compared it with minimal clinically important difference (MCID) criteria to assess the clinical relevance of this effect. They identified 458 studies; of these, 10 studies encompassing 283 patients met the inclusion criteria. Outcomes revealed that Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand scores improved at 6 months (23.92) that surpassed MCID criteria for conservatively managed upper-extremity musculoskeletal pathology (10.83). This suggests a clinically relevant effect of saline solution injections. Visual analog scale (VAS) MCID criteria are poorly established, but at 6 and 12 months, VAS scores bettered MCID criteria for conservative treatments for common orthopaedic conditions. In all but 1 study, saline solution and non–saline solution injections had no statistically significant difference in PROMs.
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