The surgical treatment of idiopathic abnormal uterine bleeding: An analysis of 88,000 patients from the French exhaustive national hospital discharge database from 2009 to 2015
PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases Jun 14, 2019
de Léotoing L, et al. - Researchers examined 7,863 women who underwent a 2G procedure (7.2%), 39,935 women who underwent a 1G procedure, (36.3%), 38,923 women who underwent curettage (35.4%) and 23,163 women who underwent hysterectomy (21.1%) regarding success rates, complications and management costs for abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB). Outcomes revealed the highest failure rate with curettage. They noted the lowest failure rate with hysterectomy but with the highest complication rate and the highest expenses. Although 1G and 2G procedures had good clinical outcomes and relatively low cost, their wide use is not reported. Current guidelines recommending using 2G procedures for treatment of AUB, are not respected, its use is reported only in <10% of cases.
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