The spectrum of adverse pregnancy outcomes based on kidney disease diagnoses: A 20-year population study
American Journal of Nephrology Apr 18, 2019
Fitzpatrick A, et al. - Utilizing population-level perinatal data from a large cohort, researchers studied the prevalence and outcomes of varied kidney disorders. The study sample consisted of women with singleton pregnancies > 20 weeks’ gestation from the South Australian Pregnancy Outcomes Unit (1990–2012). For this investigation, women with a kidney disorders diagnostic code have been grouped into categories (immunological, cystic/genetic, urological, vesicoureteral reflux (VUR), pyelonephritis and “other”). In 1,392 (0.3%) of 407,580 births, kidney disorders were reported. Investigators observed increased adverse obstetric and perinatal events in a cohort of > 1,300 women with varied kidney disorders, and the nature and magnitude of risk differed according to diagnosis. Vesicoureteric reflux, in particular, is not a benign pregnancy condition. The risk of preterm birth was still increased for women with nonchronic conditions. They confirm that women with kidney disorders in pregnancy warrant watchful and tailored pregnancy care and clinical care.
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